Treasured Heights: Len Necefer on Skiing, Land and Culture

The shimmering snowy peaks of the Nuva’tuk-iya-ovi rise above the Arizona desert. The old volcano cluster is capped by Arizona’s highest peak Dook’o’oosliid (Humphreys Peak) and can have great backcountry skiing with dry powder and remote valleys. As part of the Skiing States journey I went to ski there in 2015  and recently got to interview Len Necefer about skiing, culture and land. Len founded Natives Outdoors which works with indigenous people to promote reconnecting with the outdoors via modern activities like climbing, skiing, hiking and older activities like hunting and fishing. Len has been active in conservation and indigenous rights issues affecting native people across the West.


Sisnaajini: Stories from White Shell Mountain


The Firn Line: A Conversation with Len Necefer