NativesOutdoors @ the 2020 Flagstaff Film Festival - Ethical Recreation on Tribal Lands
Join moderator James ‘Q’ Martin, founder of Natives Outdoors Dr. Len Necefer, Aaron Mike, and Colleen Cooley in-depth discussion about facilitating access to landscapes and maintaining traditions tied to them.
The origins of skiing are indigenous and 10,000 years old
Today, the Tuva people still keep a 10,000 year-old ski tradition alive in northern Xinjiang province in northwest China.
The Summit Which Never Melts
Participating in a sport that, in my view at that time, was desecrating a sacred space conflicted with the teachings I had been raised with as a Navajo person—an ethic of protecting these places for those coming after me.
The Firn Line: A Conversation with Len Necefer
In this episode, we discuss Len’s roots and identity as a Navajo, experiencing racism in college, and his love for climbing and the outdoors (among other things).